Listen: God Is Talking

Listen: God Is Talking


          Human existence is marked by moments of triumph and joy, but it is also punctuated by times of crisis and despair. These moments, when the world seems to be crumbling around us, when uncertainty and chaos reign supreme and challenge the very core of our being, it is in these moments that our need for something greater than ourselves becomes most evident.

          In times of crisis, the human spirit yearns for reassurance, hope, and a sense of purpose. People seek answers to profound questions: Why is this happening? What is the meaning of suffering? Is there a higher purpose to all of this? It is in the pursuit of these answers that God intervenes, sending messages of comfort and wisdom through the most unlikely of channels and times.

          Times of crisis have the power to shake the very foundations of our existence, leaving us feeling vulnerable and lost. In these moments, faith often becomes a lifeline—a source of strength, resilience, and hope. The belief that God is present and actively communicating with His children is a pillar of comfort for countless individuals facing adversity.

          Throughout history, there have been accounts of individuals who have received divine messages during their moments of greatest need. What makes these messages more fascinating is that they often arrive in ways that defy logical explanation. Some come in the form of dreams which convey a deeper meaning. Others may appear as visions during moments of intense prayer or meditation. Extraordinary circumstances and coincidences may be seen as divine interventions that guide individuals through adversity, while others may hear a word in their spirit that enlightens them with knowledge about their situation. Regardless of how the answer comes, in each instance, people of faith believe that it is God who communicated with them during times of crisis.

          God is an ever-present help to those who seek Him with their whole heart. God is willing to give us wisdom about our situation if we only ask. Sometimes it takes crisis and problems for us to just talk to Him. However, once we discover that God is for us and that He gives wisdom, the stronger our faith enables us to stand in the day of adversity. Remember, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. Take time to listen.


by Dr. Phil Lucas